Model Overview Page

What is happening on the main page of the model overview

Model overview page is a main page where you can see a main table with model data and statistics of the scoring

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Upper part of the screen is occupied by the model statistics visualisations and lower part shows the data table.

Model statistics

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There are two parts of the model statistics that you see on top:

Customer Health (or any other model name) - the current state of the scoring model showing a chart visualising the score distribution, such as how many High, Medium and Low scored rows are in the table below.

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Two numbers in the center shows:

  • Left - average score across all total scores of all rows of the table and
  • Right - a maximum total score that can be achieved given the scoring model configuration, imagine a maximum number a row could reach if each score will be ‘green’ and maximum scoring points assigned to each score will be reached

So for example average score above is 64 out of maximum possible 100.

Score History - visualises the average score in time grouped by the scoring group

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How the color of the total score is determined?

This picture demonstrate it in a simple code:

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The score is considered to be ‘high’ / or ‘green’ if the value of the total score is higher than 70% of Maximum Total Score, so for example if maximum total score is 100 then 70 will be ‘medium’ or ‘yellow’ and 71 will be ‘high’ / ‘green’.

The score is considered to be ‘low’ or ‘red’ if the value of the total score is lower than 30% of the Maximum Total Score, so for example if the maximum total score is 100 then 29 will be ‘low’/‘red’ while 30 will still be ‘medium’/‘yellow’.

How the color of the total score in group is determined?

Just like for the total score same logic applies to the group scores and how they are mapped to ‘red/yellow/green` colours is the same as the definition for Total Score - thresholds are 70% and 30% of all individual scores in the group.

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Last updated on March 11, 2024