First & Last Name detection and enrichment

This amazing AI model is trained to detect first an last name from the unstructured string and also do a best guess on the gender based on the typical first names

First & Last Name Detection and Gender Inference

Our new AI model is designed to enhance data processing by accurately detecting first and last names from unstructured text, while also providing a best guess on gender based on typical first names. This powerful tool can significantly improve data quality and streamline user information management.

How It Works

The AI model employs advanced natural language processing techniques to:

  1. Parse unstructured text input like a full name
  1. Identify and extract first and last names, it will intelligently handle various text inputs and name parts
  1. Infer gender based on the detected first name

How add it to your model?

Just add a new column with Action in it:

Notion image

Select Enrich name in the list of actions:

Notion image

Then select a column from the table where a full name is stored:

Notion image

After that you can execute the action on the individual table cell (1) or the whole (2) column:

Notion image

If you click on individual cell you can see the output of the model for that cell as well as expand it and add it to the table as a new column


The model, when result can be derived with high confidence, will return a structured output containing:

  • Detected First Name if found
  • Detected Last Name if found
  • Inferred Gender which is either ‘M’ or ‘F’


Here are few examples demonstrating how it works

Notion image


While highly accurate, the model may face challenges with:

  • Very uncommon or newly coined names
  • Names from cultures not well-represented in the training data
  • Gender-neutral names

Always use the gender inference feature responsibly and in compliance with privacy regulations.

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Last updated on October 1, 2024