Understanding Score Details: Insights & Trends

Detailed breakdown of score structure, calculations, and trends.


The Score Details page provides a deep insight into the scores calculated for a specific entity, such as a company, client, or deal. These scores help users evaluate performance, detect risks, and understand trends over time.

Each entity is assigned a Total Score, which is broken down into different score categories. Each category contains several metrics, which contribute to the overall score.

To navigate to page that shows details on selected row, click on “View”:

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The page dynamically adjusts to the selected model, ensuring relevant insights for each specific entity. The example below is a demonstration setup and does not reflect fixed categories or metrics. Each implementation may have different categories and scoring models based on business needs.

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Key Components

Total Score

The Total Score is the primary performance indicator of the entity. It shows:

  • The current value out of a maximum possible score.
  • Changes over time, compared to a previous period (e.g., last month).
  • An indication of whether the trend is positive or negative.
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This score summarizes the overall health of the entity and helps users track improvements or declines.

Score Categories

Each model defines its own categories of scores, which group related metrics together. These categories vary depending on the data model and the type of entity being analyzed.

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These categories are an example from the demonstration model. In real scenarios, the categories and their contents may vary. Clicking on a category expands its details, showing how each contributing metric is calculated.

Detailed Score Breakdown

Each category contains multiple individual metrics that measure different aspects of the entity’s performance. These scores vary by model.

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When clicking on a metric, users can see:

  • Formula used for score calculation.
  • Maximum possible points for this metric.
  • Thresholds and current values
  • Trend to see difference from previous month
  • Underlying data sources used for the calculation.

Risks & Upsides

This section predicts how scores will change in the future based on current trends.

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  • Only scores in numerical or date formats are included in this section.
  • Calculations compare the current score with its value 30 days ago.
  • If a trend indicates that a score will cross a threshold (e.g., from Medium to Low), this will be displayed as a risk or upside prediction.

History of Score Changes

This section updates daily, tracking score fluctuations over time.

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  • The system compares today's score with yesterday’s score and logs any differences.
  • Clicking the dropdown expands the details for each category, showing:
    • Which metric changed and by how much.
    • Threshold shifts (e.g., Medium → High).
    • Time-stamped logs of score updates.

For example, in the demonstration setup:

  • Product Usage dropped from 35 to 17.5 points.
  • Advocacy improved from Low (0) to Medium (5).

This feature helps users monitor changes in real-time and react accordingly.

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Last updated on March 6, 2025